To save you the headache of going through this process on your own. Here are the top 5 job interview questions and how to answer them:
When an interviewer asks you this question, they really want to know your experience and what you can bring to the company. It’s not about what’s your hobbies or your favorite foods, it’s about your career knowledge you’ve gained, strengths, accomplishments and what you can bring.
- I have been in the “internet” industry for the past couple of years, and most of my experience is been dealing with project management, organizational management, and customer service
- One of my best strength is the attention to detail. When I set out to work on a task or project, I always make sure it’s done on time
- I’m good at time management. But my greatest strength is my ability to effectively handle multiple projects and deadlines
- In my last job, the good relationships I formed with my customers resulted in me holding the highest customer retention rate in my department
- I am always eager to learn new methods and procedures and have implemented continuous improvement techniques in my past positions that saved money and increased productivity
- I like working with people and enjoy group projects, but am also a self-starter who doesn’t mind working on my own
- And now, I want to be part of your team in solving problems for you.
This question is aimed to see how much you know about the company. Make sure you do your homework before the interview! They may follow up with questions about their services or products.
- I’m not looking to change jobs just for the sake of changing nor am I looking for a larger paycheck
- I got involved in a few engineering related projects and I’m proud of my profession
- Your company has excellent products and services that deal mainly with engineering related companies
- I believe that XYZ COMPANY is an ideal platform for me to launch my professional career
- I share the same values that make this possible which enables me not only to fit into your organization but also complement the team
Ok, this is a tricky one since the answer to that has to be yes if you want a chance to get the job. The trick here is to provide an example from your previous jobs and be prepared to give details. Make sure you have at least 2 examples of working under pressure and what you did to manage them since it’s quite possible they’ll ask a follow-up question.
- I most definitely can work under pressure
- In my previous jobs, I was always faced with stressful situation that required me to work under pressure on a daily basis and I have since learned to manage stress
- Now it’s just part of my job that I do well
This question is aimed to determine if you’re a good fit. Some companies have internal problems that they do not advertise for obvious reasons and they want to make sure that if you do get hired that you’ll be able to handle the issues. Make sure you don’t say anything negative about yourself. for example, if the work in your current job is too stressful and you can’t handle it, say that the company is badly managed.
- I did enjoy working in my past jobs, the culture and the people made it a great place to work and to gain valuable experience
- But I’m looking for more responsibility with new and fresh challenges
- It is important to me that my career continually moves in a forward direction that really consistent with my career goals
This is probably the most important question you’ll face in a job interview. It’s usually asked at the end of the interview and it’s your chance to leave an impression on them and prove that you deserve to be hired. Make sure to answer in a way that will differentiate you from other candidates
- I have the qualifications that you are looking for
- I’m a team player and I take directions
- I have a strong desire to be successful
- I have a unique combination of strong technical skills, problem-solving and people skills that differentiate me from most of the other candidates
- I have the ability to build long-term customer relationships
- I meet deadlines, I deliver what I promise and given this opportunity I can bring this success to your company
- I’m a fast learner who adapts quickly to change.
- I’m dedicated and enthusiastic about helping your company meet its goals, and will provide top-quality results with minimal oversight
- I’m motivated, disciplined and focused, and willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done.
Learn these 5 questions and develop answers inline with the example above to suit your situation. Another piece of advice, make sure that your answers sound genuine and natural. Avoid being a robot that sounds like you’re reading it out of a script.
I highly recommend reading 101 Great Answers to the Toughest Interview Questions or How to Answer Interview Questions: 101 Tough Interview Questions
Lots of info available in these books which will help you to further develop your questions and be prepared.
I hope this helps you with your future interview and Good Luck!