Viktor and Rolf Spicebomb Extreme is by far the most talked about fragrance when it comes to winter scent. I purchased mine from eBay as they do not carry it in stores. I paid around $120 plus shipping which is a good price for a discontinued fragrance in my opinion. Prices vary from $120 to […]
Four years ago, I started noticing my hair thinning. I started being pro-active and researched what I can do to prevent it or to save what hair I had left. After trying numerous medications and remedies, I didn’t see any kind of improvement. I tried special shampoos but they seem to accelerate my hair loss […]
After reading this article you will know why the following fragrance is my favorites. I will not bore you with the ingredients or with the tones and notes as I find this not useful when reading about fragrances. Instead, I will focus on what kind of emotions it invokes, the experience and the reactions I […]
What are Pheromones?
A pheromone is a secreted or excreted chemical factor that triggers a social response in members of the same species. Pheromones are chemicals capable of acting like hormones outside the body of the secreting individual, to impact the behaviour of the receiving individuals. There are alarm pheromones, food trail pheromones, sex pheromones, and many others that affect behaviour or physiology. Pheromones are used from […]
Grondyke Tactical Soap Review
Today, I’m bringing you something special, something so basic but with a twist, I present to you Tactical Soap! What is Tactical Soap you ask? It’s a soap made for men, by men that’s infused with pheromones! Tactical Soap is a line of soaps infused with proprietary bio-identical pheromone formulas. They partnered with a Clinical Psychologist and pheromone expert to […]
How to Stop Sweaty Armpits
I was at a bar with a friend one night, having fun and joking around as usual. There came a point where I accidentally poked his armpit in an attempt to get his attention to this cute girl that walked in. To my surprise, he was soaked in armpit sweat. I didn’t realize how bad […]